Little Lambs Preschool & Daycare
located in Williston, VT
About Our Curriculum
We have been using the BJU Press curriculum for several years and it has been a fantastic resource. Our curriculum focuses on major areas of learning for the young child through thematic units. Development of new skills and understanding is encouraged through a variety of activities. The 3-4's class uses the Pathways for Preschool subject kit and the 4-5's class use the Footsteps for Fours subject kit.
Pathways for Preschool
Ages: 3-4
Pathways for Preschool (2nd ed.) encourages three-year-old students to love learning. The one-volume Teacher’s Edition helps prepare children for kindergarten by reinforcing their pre-reading, phonemic, and letter recognition skills, along with introducing them to math, social studies, and science through age-appropriate songs, rhymes, games, crafts, circle time for groups, and centers for each child. The additional Activity Packet and Visuals give each student the opportunity to develop their eye-hand coordination using various techniques. The program contains 12 months of teaching material and each lesson is designed to be taught over a period of 2 to 5 days.
Footsteps for Fours
Ages: 4-5
Prepare your preschool child for a lifetime of learning with the Footsteps for Fours curriculum from BJU Press. The colorful curriculum is filled with activities that will excite your child about learning. It uses a center-based, hands-on approach to learning in order to give each child to learn at his own developmental level and ability. Each lesson incorporates age-appropriate lessons in language arts, prereading skills, phonics, math, handwriting, social studies, and science. The curriculum also includes optional lessons for advanced children who are ready to read.
Additional Structured and Interactive Activities
for Both Classes Include:
Field Trips
Holiday Parties
Arts and Crafts
Musical Performances
Cooking and Baking
Sprinkler Days
Special Dress-up Days
...And More!